GROUP 33 - Music Video 2008/9: Reply from the band when we asked for information:

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Reply from the band when we asked for information:

Hi Group 33,

for example when was it started?
The band started recording in 2006 although we've been doing stuff individually for a few years


what was your first song?
The first release was "Top Of The World" (virtual single) in June 07


what influenced you into this genre of music?
Many, many things .. although the band is primarily influenced by 70's Dub/Reggae (King Tubby, Prince Jammy, Scientist) it also takes in Breaks, Dubstep, Indie, Punk 60's film soundtracks and Dancehall ...


where did you get the sample of 'this is the law'?

an old DJ/Skinhead Reggae single by Andy Capp called "The Law" I think it was released around 1969 on Trojan

You can hear it here:
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=OhObiUsq9kg


there's lots more info if you need it at:
http://www. versionbigfi. com


-Tone VBF


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